


Turning 21

It’s supposed to be fun turning 21🎵
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)

This year has clarified a lot of information, and I am getting to know myself every day. Although there are still shadows, I finally started to like and accept myself as I am now. I have made peace with everything from the past and stopped the high-powered internal conflicts that lasted for years without my knowledge.


I really like yetone's business card, it's a style I really like, so I made one for myself too :)

I remember the last time I had a birthday party (or maybe the last time), I was still in primary school in 🇬🇧, and I think I invited a few classmates to dinner. It's been more than ten years since then.

Where are they now? What are they doing? The email addresses they left when they left are no longer valid. Have they contacted me? I don't know, maybe one day we will meet again and we can talk about these topics.


The ice cream cake that my friends bought is delicious!

What else happened this year?

  • I started learning JavaScript and started coding in the true sense. Although I haven't delved deep into it or made money from it, I still want to say "Thank you JavaScript". I didn't experience the joy of programming in the computer room terminal, but I got it from a foreign teacher's instructional video two years later. Thank you, Jonas Schmedtmann!

  • Later, there is The Cherno, my C++ mentor. Although I haven't done any projects yet, the programming ideas and underlying knowledge he taught me helped me establish the knowledge system of my understanding of computers, so that when I encountered many problems later, I could have an inner exclamation of "Oh, Cherno talked about this, so this is what it means".

  • During the most stressful period of reviewing for exams in the second half of the sophomore year, I chose to take two deferred exams to make time to establish "bjut-swift" (originally called Open-BJUT) and initiated the Beijing University of Technology Course Resource Sharing Program, which to some extent reduced the ugly phenomenon of buying and selling public test questions on campus.

  • Through GitHub and Twitter, I have met many outstanding people, and I hope to work with them in the future to do something meaningful and enjoyable. It was the year when I really started using GitHub and gained some rewards:


  • Sheep Literature is really amazing 😭 I read "more than words" at least twice a day
  • It was a year of complete disappointment with the planning of professional courses. After reading excellent textbooks and learning real knowledge, the content that I used to find tasteless but had to learn has become harmful defense. As the saying goes, "Once you have seen the sun, it's hard to go back to the way things were before."

  • It was a year full of confidence in my future.

Let's end this year's summary with a quote from Mr. Lu Xun:

May Chinese youth break free from the coldness and only move upward.
Don't listen to the words of those who give up on themselves.
Do what you can do, speak out if you can.
Have a light and radiate warmth.
Even if it's just like a firefly, you can still emit a little light in the darkness.
No need to wait for a torch.

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