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C++ Object Lifetime (Stack Scope Lifetime)


1. Scope

Think of the stack as placing a book on a bookshelf. The variables (what's written in the book) declared within this scope (the book) will be discarded once the scope ends. Every stack-based variable declared in the book, all objects created on the stack, will disappear.

class Entity
    int x;
Here is a variable initialized on the stack, not allocated on the heap. This variable is also within the scope of the class, meaning that when the class goes out of scope, the variable will also disappear.

class Entity
        std::cout << "Created Entity" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Destroyed Entity" << std::endl;


int main()
        Entity e;   // Written like this, it is not created on the heap, but on the stack
    }               // The default constructor will be called


// Output
// Created Entity
// Destroyed Entity
Changed to heap allocation:
int main()
        Entity* e = new Entity();
    }   // Skips this scope


// Output
// Created Entity

Remember, if you create a variable on the stack, it will disappear when it goes out of scope.

Let's look at another example:

int* CreateArray()
    int array[50];
    return array;
Is this legal? No, because we did not allocate it on the heap, as we did not use new. We only declared it on the stack. When we return a pointer to it, it will return a pointer to stack memory, which will be cleared when we leave the scope.

So if you write it like this, it will fail.

int main()
    int* a = CreateArray();
If you want to write a function like this, you basically have two options. You can allocate the array on the heap, ensuring its lifetime will persist.
int* CreateArray()
    int* array = new int[50];
    return array;

int main()
    int* a = CreateArray();
Or you can copy the data created here to a variable that exists outside the stack scope.
void CreateArray(int* array)
    // fill our array

int main()
    int array[50];
Here we are just passing a pointer, so no allocation is done.

Therefore, creating an array locally is a typical mistake.

So how can we make this automatic destruction of stack variables useful?

2. Scope Pointer

It is essentially a class, a wrapper for a pointer, which allocates the pointer upon construction and deletes the pointer upon destruction. So we can automate this new and delete.

This is a basic scoped pointer (class) ^58d90d

class ScopedPtr
    Entity* m_Ptr;
    ScopedPtr(Entity* ptr)
        : m_Ptr((ptr))

        delete m_Ptr;  

int main()
        ScopedPtr e = new Entity(); 

// Output
// Created Entity
// Destroyed Entity
This ScopedPtr class is allocated on the stack, meaning that if e is deleted, in the destructor, it will delete the wrapped Entity pointer. Even though we used new for heap allocation, the destruction is completed.

This is the most basic thing that a smart pointer: unique_ptr does.

Automatic construction and destruction, these stack-based variables are very useful as they are destroyed when they go out of scope.


Suppose you want to calculate the time within your benchmark scope, you can write a timer class that starts the timer when the object is constructed, and stops the timer when the result is printed, i.e., when the timer object is destroyed. This way, you only need to write one line of code at the beginning of the function, and the entire scope will be timed. And you never need to manually call the timer to stop, because once it goes out of scope, it will automatically call and stop.

Mutex Locking

If you want to lock a function so that multiple threads can access it simultaneously without crashing, you can have an automatic scope lock that locks it at the beginning of the function and unlocks it at the end of the function.